A 32x32 pixel horror game about a plague survivor on a supply run armed with only a flashlight.
Developed: April 2020 - May 2020
Team: Joseph Henry Stadolnik IV
- Perlenspiel
- Pyxel Edit
- Audacity
- beepbox.co
My Role: Solo Developer
I made the entirety of this game by myself.
My achievements on this project included:
- Implementing the 2D grid-based lighting system.
- Implementing a system for storing level data (environment art, collision data, light blocking data, and entity spawn positions) using the pixel colors of a set of images.
- Implementing three types of hazards (stationary, path-wandering, and chasing) and different endings based on "damage" taken.
- Writing the full narrative.
- Creating and implementing all sound effects.
This game tells the story of a reclusive person venturing out in a devastating pandemic to restock on supplies,
only to find the state of the world worse than they could have imagined.
There are multiple endings depending on how much the player gets exposed to infectious hazards.
Other Notes:
- This game was made for IMGD 2900 Digital Game Design I, a course at Worcester Polytechnic Institute.
- The game was partially inspired by the COVID-19 pandemic.
- The game admittedly suffers a bit in terms of readability but Perlenspiel does not allow for a larger screen than 32x32 squares.
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