A fan-made PICO-8 demake of Polytron Corporation's
2012 game FEZ.
![[A gif showing the title screen of FUZ.]](fuz_v13_3.gif)
![[A gif showing gameplay of FUZ.]](fuz_preview08.gif)
![[An area in FUZ with a broken warp gate.]](fuz_screen03_small.png)
![[An area in FUZ with a tuning fork.]](fuz_screen04_small.png)
Released: May 2019
Developed: April 2019 - May 2019
Team: Joseph Henry Stadolnik IV
Tools: PICO-8
Programming Language: Lua
My Role: Solo Developer
I made the entirety of this game by myself, working closely from FEZ's art, mechanics, audio, and puzzles for reference.
My achievements on this project included:
- Reverse-engineering a version of FEZ's unique rotation and collision system within the limitations of PICO-8.
- Implementing an image-based system for creating the game's voxel-based levels.
- Implementing a convincing 3D rotation effect using just 2D sprites and visual trickery.
- Designing an interconnected world of eight diorama-like levels.
- Designing an intricate language-deciphering puzzle using many of the game's rooms.
- Recreating two prominent types of input-based puzzles from FEZ.
- Drawing all visual assets using PICO-8's editor, heavily referencing FEZ's original art and adapting it to PICO-8's limitations.
- Creating all audio assets using PICO-8's editor.
The idea of a demake is the reverse of a remake: take an existing game and make a simpler version of it on a more limited platform.
In making FUZ, I sought to recreate as many aspects of the original FEZ as I could within the heavy restrictions of PICO-8.
You can read much more about my development process in my retrospective here.
Other Notes:
- As a fan game, this was not released for profit and is not endorsed by Polytron Corporation.
- True to the original, there are multiple possible endings depending on whether the player solved all the puzzles.
- Several FEZ puzzle types make use of specific symbols. I preserved this in FUZ, but whenever possible I used my own symbol designs instead.
It's Gomez Time (Again): Reflections on Demaking FEZ
"Fuz - Browser Game" (Free Game Planet)
"FUZ" (Wireframe, Issue 17, Pages 24-25)
PICO-8 Forum Post